Ordering Options
Bank: DBS Account No: 0720256042 Bank Code: 7171 Branch Code: 072 Deliveries The Wine Monk is an online retailer of wines with an exclusively delivery based model. Deliveries are free all over Singapore for orders above $100 except Sentosa where an additional charge of $7 applies. For orders above $300, the additional chargee for Sentosa will be waived. The Wines will usually be delivered within 24-48 hrs of a confirmed order. For orders less than $100, a delivery charge of $20 applies. Stock Availability
All goods offered herein are subject to availability prior to sale. Since our sales are through multiple channels, there could be rare instances when the stock is unavailable. For those rare instances when you make the payment using Paypal and the stocks are unavailable or in lesser stock than the quantity you ordered, we will contact you to confirm if we can service the order using lower quantity or replace it with another recommendation. If you do not wish to change the order, we will refund the entire/partial order amount as the case may be. |
Return Policy
Every time we sell a bottle we hope you can love it as much as we did. For wines which are exclusively from our producers (look for details under Featured producer section), if the wine is found to be corked or spoilt, please write to us at [email protected] within 3 days of the order for a request to return your purchase along with the unused bottle. We are a small outfit and we do hope our customers understand the offer to return is based on good faith and the assumption the wine has been kept in proper storage from the time of delivery. We reserve the right to refuse a return if it is found that the wine spoilage is on account of mishandling or improper storage at customers’ end or the wine is not found to be corked based on our assessment. We also apologize in advance and wouldn't be able to replace our exclusive producer bottles where the corked bottle isn't available for return or the assessment from our team suggests the wine wasn't corked. For wines which are not from our exclusive producers, which comprises a large majority of all Bordeaux, Burgundy, Spanish, OZ and wines from premium estates in Tuscany such as Sassicaia, Tignaenllo, Biondi Santi, Conterno, Ornellaia, Orma, etc, the wines are sold as is. While we take due care to ensure our purchases are from reputed suppliers and of great provenance, like any other retailer in the industry, there can be no guarantee. However, where you have not had a pleasant experience from a bottle bought from us, we will do our best to make it up in whatever way we can in your subsequent orders. |